Ramkrishna Dalvi
Auto Outbound
Create Aspirations. Inspire Possibilities.
Self-management exists when an employee sets his own goals and high personal standards for performance.
At Mahindra Logistics, we celebrate Ramkrishna’s innovative thinking, learning, and an aspiration to try new things in life. From an Office-Boy-cum-Tea-Maker, he has taken a journey that involved taking more responsibility and handling them to the best of his capabilities.
Ramkrishna has been continuously supported and encouraged to perform, by his superiors. He is humbled to believe that this has been incredibly helpful and valuable to an uneducated employee like him, to create his place in the organisation.
Today, he has successfully moved up the ladder and upgraded from being a contractual staff, to an Executive, and recently as a Sr. Executive in the year of 2021. This entire journey of Ramkrishna shows the working atmosphere at Mahindra Logistics, which boosts new talent.
“With such opportunities from my seniors, I have been learning new technologies and have got the chance to participate in many training programs, which helped me in achieving success in my corporate journey.”