Mr. Dhananjay Mungale
Independent Director
Mr. Dhananjay Mungale was appointed on the Board of Mahindra Logistics as Non-Executive Independent Director effective 29 January, 2021. He is also a Member of the Audit Committee of the Board.
Mr. Dhananjay Mungale is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce and Law from Mumbai University. He has spent a major part of his career in corporate and investment banking in India and Europe. He was Vice President – Private Banking, Bank of America and was a Member – Executive Committee, DSP Merrill Lynch Limited. Presently, he is an advisor to various corporations in both, India and Europe. He is a Member of the National Committee of Mahindra United World College.
Mr. Dhananjay Mungale is on the Board of several companies including Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited, Mahindra CIE Automotive, NOCIL, DSP Investment, Tamilnadu Petroproducts etc.