Ms. Malvika Sinha
Independent Director
Ms. Malvika Sinha was appointed on the Board of Mahindra Logistics as Independent Director effective 30 July, 2020. She is a Member of the Audit Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee and Risk Management Committee of the Board.
Ms. Malvika Sinha served the Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”) for 38 years, retiring as Executive Director in February 2020. As Executive Director at RBI, she was in charge of the Human Resource Development, Foreign Exchange Department, Internal Debt Management Department, and Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Department and had the executive responsibility for the operations of these departments and overseeing policy formulation in these areas. She was responsible for recruiting, postings, promotions, training, industrial relations, and policies for around 15,000 employees (officers, clerks, and workmen) of the RBI.
Ms. Malvika Sinha joined the RBI in 1982 as a career central banker and served in various departments – Department of Banking Operations and Development, Department of Banking Supervision, Urban Banks Department, Secretary’s, Department of Government and Bank Accounts, Exchange Control Department, among others – and in different centres viz. Patna and Delhi and has over four decades of experience.
She was RBI’s Nominee Director on the Board of State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur before its merger with SBI. She was also on the Governing council of both the Institute of Banking and Finance & Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.
Ms. Malvika Sinha holds a Masters’ Degree in Public Administration from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, USA, a Masters’ Degree in Arts from Elphinstone College, Mumbai University, and is a Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Banking.